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- إعلانات العراق
- أربيل
- تصليح و صيانة و إنشاءات
- أيدي عاملة و اشغال
- We clean blackmoney
We clean blackmoney
نشر بتاريخ 2023-11-29 1:37 AM
أيدي عاملة و اشغال
تواصل مع المعلن لمعرفة السعر
My Name is Hassan Mohammed. I am the President and CEO of Integral laboratories and Investment Inc . My company Cleans defaced money of any color and denomination. Also we Develop Local Currency or US Dollars as well as Investment Partnership in useful legal business opportunities for the facilitation of Economic Development. I am presently discussing with Investors with a portfolio of more than $1Billion for investment purposes.If you are available for any of the above mentioned get back to me ASAP so that we can proceed immediately. My direct email is hmohammed22023@gmail.com.Thanks for your anticipated cooperation. I wait for your feedback.